Diamond Gymnastics

We are passionate about offering high quality, fun, engaging and progressive classes.

Classes we offer

Our club offers a variety of programmes and classes for gymnasts of all ages

Little Diamonds
(18months - 3years)

Introducing Little Diamonds, a parent-toddler gymnastics class, featuring structured activities led by coaches, including action songs and apparatus-based exercises

Pre School Gymnastics
(3years - 4years)

Our Pre School class focuses on physical, emotional, and cognitive development through gymnastics, led by qualified coaches using a varirty of apparatus.

Diamonds Reception
(4years - 5years)

Diamond Reception is a transitional class for new full-time school children, led by qualified coaches in a safe, progressive environment, focusing on building confidence, enhancing body awareness, coordination, muscle strength and basic gymnastic skills.

Diamonds 1
(5years - 7years)

A mixed-level gymnastics class for boys and girls, with a focus on teaching basic gymnastic skills and progressions in small groups, utilising various apparatus. As gymnasts gain experience, sessions evolve to develop more advanced skills through safe progressions, maintaining a fun and motivating environment with an emphasis on correct technique.

Diamonds 2
(7years +)

A mixed-level gymnastics class for boys and girls with a focus on teaching basic gymnastic skills and progressions in small groups using various apparatus. As gymnasts gain experience, emphasis shifts to developing advanced skills through safe progressions.

Diamonds Rising Stars
(4years +)

This class is currently for girls aged 4 years and above who show the potential and strong qualities of a young gymnast. In this class, we will focus on the basic skills and preparation required for their development in gymnastics.

Invite only

Diamonds Development Class
(6years +)

This class is currently for girls who show potential and the strong qualities of a gymnast. In this class, we will focus on the basic and advanced skills along the physical preparation required for their development in gymnastics.

Invite only
How to book

Who we are

Diamond Gymnastics, owned by Emma Bhat and Carol Clubb, is led by coaches with over 30 years of experience each, ranging from preschool to international levels, ensuring high-quality coaching.

We are a registered British Gymnastics Club and all coaches are fully qualified British Gymnastics Coaches, they hold the appropriate level of child protection security checks including DBS and Safeguarding certificates.

Carol Clubb

Head Coach

Carol is a former gymnast with international competitive experience as a gymnast, coach and judge. She has coached gymnasts at elite level producing international and national level gymnasts. In recent years Carol has successfully run a programme for schools in the London Borough of Hillingdon providing gymnastics classes for both curriculum and after school clubs.

Emma Bhat

Club secretary and Head Coach

Emma is a former gymnast with international competitive experience as a gymnast, coach and judge. She has coached gymnasts at elite level producing international and national squad gymnasts. Emma has also successfully had an important role in running a large healthcare sector business.

Meet the rest of the team


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happy kids